About Us
The Clarkston Area Lions Club is a growing, vibrant 501(c)3 organization of Clarkston area residents who are focused upon initiating and providing services within Clarkston’s civic, cultural and social communities. 100% of contributions collected by our Club are used directly for these services and projects. Operating expenses are covered by member dues and special club fund raising events. Working closely with other Clarkston organizations, WE SERVE and respond to our community’s needs, striving to support Clarkston’s residents with volunteerism and fellowship.
We meet the second Thursday of each month at Buck Shots Bar & Grill, 7048 Gateway Park Dr, Clarkston, MI. Social gathering at 6:30 pm and Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Join us!
We are:
- A club for all men and women of all ages
- A Meeting place for Clarkston area residents in which they can socialize and participate in service activities
- An environment that fosters and supports new ideas on how WE can better SERVE
- Part of an organization that serves communities around the globe
- Member of the Lions District 11-A2

Gift cards for Clarkston Lighthouse Food Pantry to purchase perishable items for distribution.
Our Officers

Our Primary Focus
The Clarkston Area Lions support the State and national sight and hearing projects/organizations that directly and indirectly provide services to our area residents. We are also focused on supporting the needs of our community.
- Clarkston Independence District Library - including donations to purchase media for the vision impaired
- Monthly free vision screening at the CIDL and at selected children’s events offered by the Independence Township Recreation Department
- Clarkston Lighthouse Food Pantry - donations
- Neighbor for Neighbor - donations
- Rotary Shoes for Kids - we help sell Rotary Goodfellow papers in November and provide free vision screening at the December shoe/boot distribution
- Adopt a family for Christmas – Annual participation through a local Church
- The Clarkston Area Lions are a resource for qualified area residents who need eyeglasses or hearing aids and cannot afford them.
Look for our Lions Mints at your favorite restaurants!